For modern enterprises, there are several different channels where content can be published, both externally for their customers and internally for employees. Content also takes a variety of forms, from blog posts, videos, and webinars to user guides and training manuals. In order to manage everything for customers and staff alike, businesses need a way...Read More
A little while back we covered the advantages and benefits of structured content. However, attending Adobe DITAWORLD (a valuable, annual tech event on DITA structured content) really highlighted the shortcomings of DITA, structured content, and CCMS (Component Content Management Systems). We quickly realized that as a global digital agency, it was our responsibility to give...Read More
Disruption has been a common theme for most enterprises over the last few years. Changes in how people work, increased market competition, and the growth of new technologies have meant that these organizations have had to navigate through uncertainty to survive. Recently, Gartner has been touting the importance of composability — “The mindset, technologies, and...Read More
In the digital-first, digital-fast world, brands need their content to be available across all the channels, platforms, and devices their customers use. To accomplish that, they need a plan or strategy to support them. Unfortunately, according to the Content Marketing Institute, only 40% of B2B marketers have such a documented strategy in place. A content...Read More
Companies worldwide recognize the urgency to modernize their technologies to stay relevant and competitive. With rising customer expectations, businesses must deliver content that is both diverse and personalized. Traditionally, companies relied solely on their content management systems (CMS) for managing content. However, the modern digital landscape demands integrating multiple tools and embracing agility to create...Read More
The pandemic sparked an urgent need for high-quality digitized services. And while the effects of COVID-19 are apparent regardless of industry, it’s no secret that the healthcare industry has been hit hard. But we’re taking a different approach to the healthcare crisis – we’re looking at technical disadvantages. The lack of proper technical infrastructure and...Read More
With so many global organizations rendering their services in China through digital platforms, it’s no surprise that China has become one of the largest economies in the world, second only to the US. Nonetheless, accessing various digital resources across the world from China remains a challenging task for two reasons: Digital resource services (like website,...Read More
For the purposes of this article, we’re focusing on content management systems (CMS) geared toward the management of documents or publications, such as technical documentation, user guides, product specifications, etc. If you’re unfamiliar with the basic concepts of CCMS, structured content, and DITA, definitely read these articles: What is a component management system? Why choose...Read More
In today’s blog, we touch on the ways you can customize and design a full-sized framework that allows you to manage multiple brands and projects under an existing framework. A scalable website structure is crucial to any business because it means your company is utilizing your technical systems to their fullest potential and are getting...Read More
Content management systems can be a great asset to your organization in managing the plethora of content that passes through your business before landing in the hands of your customers, no matter the channel they use. But like anything valuable, these systems require care and attention. They require someone to take ownership and responsibility and...Read More