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Today’s blog might seem to veer away from business and technology, but hear us out. We’re exploring another side of leadership and how taking risks, acting swiftly, and partnering up with a supportive team can not only help you achieve your goals, but drive them toward that finish line quicker. Innovation, motivation, self-discipline, perseverance, and...
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When CB’s New Business and Alliances Director, Umar Akhtar, described his love for sales and explained that, for him, it’s about both the human element as well as the sale itself, we knew he was onto something. Also, how do you argue with someone who’s spent nearly a decade in commercial operations with global digital...
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For the 10th consecutive year, Content Bloom has ranked among RWS’s best. Of the fourteen 2020 Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) selected globally, Content Bloom is home to three. Congratulations to Josh Hebb, Manish Mehmood, and Sabarish Senthilnathan! Each year Tridion makes a point to recognize those who stand out in the RWS community. These technology...
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By now you may have gathered that we like to share our stories. Sometimes that means passing along the latest tech news, letting you in on a new tool, or discussing a recent web update. We knew once we got our consultants, managers, developers, content integrators, and architects talking about their favorite tech tips, we...
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The term debugging is used in various ways across various disciplines, but let’s focus on the programming world.  What is debugging? Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing existing and potential errors in a written code that can lead to unwanted output or performance. These errors are usually referred to as “bugs,” thus, the...
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By nature, conferences are huge gatherings of people, so it’s certainly no surprise that social separation amid COVID-19 has put a full stop on all scheduled conferences for the foreseeable future. Days, before our team was set to speak at SDL’s Tridion Developer Summit India, the seminar, was put on what seemed to be an...
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Last week we shared some tips on how to be efficient when COVID-19 has you working from home and we touched a bit on how, for many people, remote work is not their norm. As we attempt to flatten the curve in the current coronavirus crisis, for some, the reality of working from home might...
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Last week we shared some tips on how to maintain productivity when working from home and we touched a bit on how, for many people, remote work is not their norm. As we attempt to flatten the curve in the COVID-19 crisis, for some, the reality of working from home might seem like a vacation...
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COVID-19 is officially a global pandemic leaving many unsure about how their regular workday should look. While the tech industry is largely about adaptability, for many both in and out of the tech sector, remote work is not the norm. The majority of our consultants enjoy working in-office, but in today’s health climate, it’s not...
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Andy Iddon doesn’t like being called an expert and yet, it’s difficult to find a word more suiting for a man who has worked 20+ years as a successful digital consultant and business strategist. “I’m not a fan of the term [expert]. Anyone who goes around calling themselves one comes off as arrogant and probably...
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