How Moving to a Headless CMS Could Improve Your Marketing Channels

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Your IT team has just notified you they want to migrate to a headless CMS. A headless CMS is definitely something to get excited about from a technical perspective. For marketers and other non-technical departments, the process might seem a bit overwhelming, or at least that’s what you’ve heard. We’re here to tell you that it’s not as complicated as it seems.

You might be a content marketer unsure about how you’ll use the new headless CMS or a project manager who will be involved in the migration on behalf of your department, and the thought of a CMS migration is giving you a tension headache.

If you’re unsure whether your team is ready to make the shift from traditional CMS to headless CMS, read on.

The Benefits of Headless CMS

A traditional CMS isn’t for the faint of heart. The user interface can be challenging to work with for non-technical users, often requiring code changes to get things done. We’re the first to admit that we enjoy the challenge, but Content Bloom is a digital agency, with a team of highly skilled technical consultants and developers. We love the complicated stuff.

However, we also recognize that older traditional platforms can place additional strain on technical team members who must continually assist their less-technical colleagues when making changes to content. Headless removes that dependency from teams, which ends up saving a whole of time and resources – it also removes the extra pressure from teams.

Smaller Security Risks

When using an open-source platform used by millions of companies, security risks happen. It’s part of the job. While it’s a worrying sign for any business – selecting the right CMS platform and understanding your content management system’s vulnerabilities and strengths is key when it comes to mitigating those potential security risks.

Legacy Architecture

Unless your team is highly technical, or you have a great tech partner managing your sites, we wouldn’t recommend using a legacy-based PHP architecture. While still functional, it represents a complicated system that doesn’t meet the needs of non-technical teams, like marketing who need the autonomy a headless CMS offers.

Drupal does offer a headless option that enables businesses to connect to different channels. But implementing headless capabilities and integrating with other tools (something that modern headless CMS platforms manage to do easily) can leave your development team with headaches because the platform wasn’t built with the modern API-first approach.

Are Headless CMSs Worth It?

Given some of Drupal’s limitations, a headless CMS can offer a better alternative. Here are some of the reasons why a drupal migration could be worth your while.

The Benefits of Contentful CMS

Brands preparing for a migration and searching for a CMS to replace Drupal should consider the benefits of Contentful. As a headless CMS and API-first content platform, Contentful is a modern tool that can help create the most engaging digital experiences for your customers.

API-First Content Platform

Contentful’s API-first and cloud-native system enables businesses to manage and publish content across different channels. It also easily integrates with other tools and acts as a centralized platform that sits at the heart of your software stack.

With Contentful, it’s possible to deliver content to more than just a website. Mobile apps, digital kiosks, and a wealth of other digital channels are now available to create content experiences that engage customers wherever they are. Content is unified into a single hub, and the CMS integrates with other crucial tools such as ecomm, analytics, and translation tools to enhance the customer experience.

Agile Development Capabilities

Developers using Contentful can leverage a framework and language-agnostic tool that gives them the freedom to create digital experiences the way they want. Plus, the microservices-based platform and RESTful APIs allow them to extend and customize the platform as they see fit.

Editor Toolbox

Contentful features an editor toolbox that enables them to structure content for any channel and easily customize content to fit their needs. They can create custom content types and arrange them in structured hierarchies as well as rely on content versioning for rollbacks. Apps like Contentful Compose allow users to create and manage web pages, including their SEO fields.

Read More: What is Contentful CMS?

Migrate to a Headless CMS

Migrating to a headless CMS might seem like a challenge, even if you’ve become fed up with the issues of working with Drupal. Drupal migration issues are a long list of well-documented challenges from a database migration to other engineered modifications, which may be notable if you’re simply upgrading to the next version of Drupal.

Even the strongest Drupal supporters highlight the issues with the reliance on outdated plugins and the length of time it takes. But the migration process doesn’t need to feel impossible once you have the right team supporting you.

Content Bloom is an enterprise digital consultancy with a wealth of experience in CMS migrations and working with headless content platforms like Contentful. Instead of the slow and costly migration to another version of Drupal, you can speed up the migration to Contentful with the help of our proprietary tools that help you move data without damaging its integrity.

Additionally, as a Contentful partner, we can help you get the most out of the platform, whether that means personalization and localization across different channels or simply ensuring that developers, marketers, and business users in your company are all happy.

Want to see just how much you can gain with a headless CMS like Contentful? Take a look at our eBook: Perfecting the Modern Ecomm Experience.

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