One of my favorite aspects of Content Bloom is that we’ve made continuous improvement one of our core values. Every day, as a company, we are better, stronger, and moving forward.
This is evidenced in all areas of the company as well. We are continually striving to be better than we were yesterday, whether it’s learning new technologies, expanding our services, or refining what it means to be part of the Content Bloom team. This attribute attracts people to Content Bloom and makes them want to work with and/or for us. As we grow, we naturally need more people supporting that growth. In fact, since Content Bloom started in 2011 we have doubled in size every two years, and we’re on track to do it again this year. This expansion has mostly taken place in our Halifax and Noida offices.
In the summer of 2018, our Halifax office was buzzing with excitement, we’re an outgoing group of folks and we were looking forward to having new members join the team. However, we were also confronted with the question – where would we put their desks? With so many people joining the company, we were quickly running out of the space we needed to work comfortably.

However, the desks weren’t the only items in question. We were now a full-service agency and expanded our services to include: hosting, managed services, and UX design, all the while supporting additional technologies such as Sitecore, AEM, Tridion Docs, and Umbraco.
Our expansion in service meant we not only had more people in the office supporting these new services, but we had more clients and a lot more meetings. Our offices no longer had enough call rooms or quiet spaces. Meetings were being held in the kitchen, lounge, and stairwell. So, we started the exciting process of moving offices. From researching and visiting potential locations, to selecting our new office space, to building and moving into that new office space, it’s been one adventure after another.

Meanwhile, India was also struggling. Their team just about doubled in size within 6 months and their office, while great when they were small, was no longer meeting their needs. They also undertook the fun task of moving offices, and that meant finding a space to accommodate their needs, one that would allow room for additional growth.
It’s been almost a year since we first started down this path, and we’re happy to report that both the Halifax and Noida offices have finally settled into their new homes and are in the process of making them bloom. The past year was full of unexpected obstacles, but also a new sense of teamwork, and a renewed understanding of what it means to make each day better than the last. Which is why we’ve created a three-part blog series documenting our office move from start to finish, we’ve come a long way and want to share the ups, downs, and in-betweens with you.

Stay tuned for the additional blogs which will focus on the design, building and moving processes, as well as the lessons we’ve learned along the way, and why the color yellow is so controversial.